Smile Car Rental

Car Rental Service for quality matter only

Kathmandu to Bandipur Bus (Tourist Bus)

Kathmandu to Bandipur Bus

Dumre is the nearest bus stop to get Bandipur. We provide the bus service from Kathmandu to Bandipur (Dumre). Our bus drop you off at Dumre and you need to take a local transportation from Dumre to Bandipur. Our bus leaves early morning at 07:00 am from Kathmandu. There are three types of bus from Kathmandu to Bandipur like as Deluxe Bus, Super Deluxe bus and VIP Luxury Sofa bus. Normally it takes around 6 hours from Kathmandu to Bandipur (Dumre). The fare starts from NPR 1200 to NPR 1700.

Kathmandu to Bandipur Bus
VIP Luxury Bus
Kathmandu to Bandipur Bus
Super Deluxe Bus
Kathmandu to Bandipur Bus
Deluxe Bus

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